School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document recognised
Read the STPCD here which includes the levels of teacher pay, working days/hours and the Teachers’ Standards
Burgundy Book (Conditions of Service for School Teachers) recognised
Read the Burgundy Book here. The key benefits cover appointment, resignation, retirement, occupational sick pay, occupational maternity rights and collective dispute procedures.
Uses Teachers’ Pension Service
The TPS includes an employer contribution of 28.6%. It’s a ‘defined benefit’ pension, which means that it’s based on your salary rather than the amount you contribute.
Green Book (National Agreement on Pay and Conditions of Service) recognised
Read the Green Book here. It sets out the pay scale and allowances; basic conditions like holidays, sick pay, working time, training and development, maternity provisions, etc.
Uses Local Government Pension Service for support staff
The LGPS is a national pension scheme for people working in local government or working for other employers that participate in the scheme.
Continuous Service recognised
Continuous service is when you move from one workplace to another but retain the accrued time you have worked across them both – this is relevant for employee rights and benefits such as: unfair dismissal, redundancy pay, sick pay, maternity pay and annual leave.
Trade Union Recognition Agreement
A TURA sets out the way in which the unions and workplace will work together, including provisions for bargaining and what provisions and allowances are in place for union representation.
Workplace Reps have recognised time
Within the TURA, it should set out whether workplace reps will be released to handle casework and attend training.
Pays into Facilities for Local Officers
By paying into the local facilities, this enables our Branch Secretary/ies time out of their workplace to carry out trade union duties such as supporting members and collective bargaining.
Consult with unions on staff policies
It’s important that workplaces consult unions on the contents of their policies so that we can ensure that they follow legal documents but also reflect the best practices for the members. ‘Consultation’ is when an employer talks and listens to employees or workers and any trade union or other relevant employee representatives.
Working Time Budget (1265hrs) shared with staff at beginning of year
Directed time is when teachers are directed by their head teacher to be available for work. This is a maximum of 1,265 hours per academic year, spread over 195 days. It is important that staff know how their hours will be worked over the course of the year to be able to plan around this.
School calendar of events shared at start of year
Dates of parents’ evenings, open evenings, INSET days etc. need to be shared with lots of notice so that employees can make arrangements - for example, if they have caring responsibilities, travel by public transport or second jobs.
No probationary period for new staff
Teachers should not have to undergo probation when they have already gained their qualifications to be a teacher.
No term-time-only contracts
The NEU opposes the inappropriate use of fixed-term contracts and also their repeated renewal where a permanent post would be more appropriate.
Automatic pay progression within Main Pay Spine and Upper Pay Spine
We believe that teachers should be awarded pay progression of at least one point for each year of employment as a classroom teacher, unless the teacher is subject to a formal capability process. The STPCD 2024 removed performance-related pay.
Automatic pay progression from Main Pay Spine to Upper Pay Spine
Threshold evidence is becoming a huge workload issue in itself and putting off deserving teachers on point six of MPS.
A well-being policy that includes measures to reduce workload
Even the DfE recognise the impact of workload in schools and produced this toolkit here
ECF induction programme
Schools should be prepared to support those new to teaching and follow the Early Career Framework provisions to grow teachers into the role.
Workforce Information available
Reporting workforce information helps us to see trends and issues.
Well-Being Service provided for staff
Schools should buy in to a service that you can access for support confidentially.
Staff well-being part of School/Academy Improvement Plan
Staff well-being should be a continuing area for improvement, especially in the time of a recruitment and retention crisis in education.
Adult Mental Health First Aider(s)
Mental Health First Aiders are key in spotting the signs of those experiencing poor mental health, and can start a conversation and signpost a person to appropriate support.
Menopause Policy
Menopause affects most of the education workforce at some point in their lives, therefore it’s important that workplaces are best-placed to support those experiencing menopausal symptoms.
Regular anonymous staff surveys are utilised, and results shared
Anonymous surveys, without leading questions, are key to getting a clear picture of how employees are finding their role, the support on offer and ideas of how to improve their working conditions. These should be at least annual. Ideally, employers should share the findings and the follow-up actions needed in response.
Workplace policies are available to all staff to access anonymously
Employees need to be able to access policies relevant to them without the embarrassment of asking.

Name: The Beeches Primary School
Address: Beech Avenue, Peterborough PE1 2EH
Type: Maintained Primary – Community School
Employer: Local Authority
Updated: August 2024