
Meet your committee members for 2024-25

We have a Committee who meet at least three times a year to organise and plan the events, campaigns and finances of NEU Peterborough. We are always looking for more to join us to ensure we have a strong group representing our many different members and workplaces across the city – please get in touch if you want to know more.


Kim McCamley

Vice President

Sam Sulkin

Past President

Andy Willis

Branch & District Secretary

Charlotte Davis

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An image to depict time


Ruth Reho

Assistant Treasurer

Ali Gascoyne

Minutes Secretary

Lucinda Robinson


Wellbeing Officer

Matt Sludds

Health and Safety Officer

Ali Gascoyne

Learning & CPD Officer

Judi Clarke

Social Media Secretary

Lucinda Robinson

Website Secretary

Matthew Sludds

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An image to depict time

Environmental (Green) Officer

John Cooper

Support Staff Officer

Linda Krupa

Leadership Officer

Aimee Turner

Retired Members Officer

Maggie Keber

Primary Officer

Judi Clarke

Secondary Officer

Rebecca Musson

Independent Schools Officer

Sam Sulkin

SEND Officer

Lucinda Robinson

Committee Members

Andy Willis, Diane Ray

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An image to depict time

Equalities Officer

Kim McCamley

LGBT+ Officer

Sam Sulkin

International Solidarity Officer

Vera Bordacs

Women’s Officer

Kim McCamley


Vacant Positions

Get in touch if you want to know more about any of these vacant roles, it would be great to hear from you. Alternatively, come along to any of our open meetings and we can co-opt members into any of our vacant roles:

  • Assistant District Secretary
  • Membership Secretary
  • Organising Officer
  • Campaigns Officer
  • Press & Media Officer
  • Social Secretary
  • Early Years Officer
  • Post 16 Officer
  • Supply Staff Officer
  • New Professionals Officer
  • Union Learning Reps Officer
  • Black Members’ Officer
  • Disabled Members’ Officer
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